America's Home Care, your very own home care

America's Home Care gives you the Best Homecare Service

Contact Number

(267) 908-3696

Fax Number

(215) 827-5110

Business Hours

Mon.-Fri. : 8am - 4pm
Closed on all Federal Holidays

Does your loved one, parent, friend, or somebody you know have any level of difficulty with the activities below?

If yes, CALL US NOW!

Home is the best place to be in. With more than 15 years of dedicated experience, including care management and gerontology, America’s Home Care is the leading home care agency in Philadelphia to provide integrated and holistic home-based services that support the frail and homebound elderly as well as their caregivers. Our main goal is to become the extra pair of caring hands you might need either occasionally or on a daily basis. We strive to naturally become an extension of your support network and caring family, by providing some much-needed respite and peace of mind. 

Our Customers Say

What others say about us and our services

We are passionate about what we do and we believe that everyone has the right to age with dignity and comfort in the familiarity of their own home.